mandag den 6. september 2010

the julekalender 1991 - The afsnit (1 - 24)

The Julekalender was a Danish TV series that ran at Christmas 1991 . It was written and performed almost entirely by a trio of Danish comedy musicians called De Nattergale with financial and technical assistance from TV2, a Danish television company. It was hugely successful at the time, causing many invented phrases from the series to enter popular culture (at least for a while) and was later released on VHS, and recently, DVD.

It had 24 episodes (one for each day of December until Christmas Eve), as has been typical of other TV "calendars" before and since The Julekalender.

Each of the three actors had two roles. One role was as a Nisse, a type of gnome or elf associated with Christmas in Danish tradition but not to be confused with Norse mythology. The other role is as a normal, if overly stereotyped, Dane.

The premise of the film is fairly simple: long, long ago, the race of Nisser lived happily with Father Christmas in Greenland, getting up to mischief with the humans, drinking, and making merry. Then the "Nå-såere" came - evil, vampire-esque creatures with an unhealthy obsession for money and counting, and almost eradicated the Nisser. A few Nisser survived, among them good old Gammelnok (literally, "old enough", the one character not to be played by a member of De Nattergale), who is now on the brink of death, as the music box that plays his life tune needs to be wound up. Gammelnok gathers three of the remaining Nisser (Hansi, Gunther, and Fritz) and sends them off to Denmark, to find the old Nisse cave where the key to wind up the music box is. He gives them The Book to take with them, an ancient tome that contains the answer to any and all questions, warning them to take great care that it does not fall into the hands of a Nå-såer. If this were to happen, all would be lost. They are also warned to take care, as the Nå-såers nowadays have come to look like normal humans, but when they drink alcohol, they come to look like they did in the old days, with fangs, and thick-rimmed glasses. The three merrily set off, and this is where the first episode begins.

One of the quirks of the series, and one which made up a good share of its appeal, is the strange language that the Nisser speak. They themselves call it English, but it is an odd mixture of both Danish and English vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, leading to some very humorous phrases and structures (at least, to anyone who speaks both English and Danish). This was likely a good-natured jest at the heavy Danish accent that many Danes speak with, and the (back then) fairly low level of English proficiency of Danes, especially outside of large cities. Examples of particularly interesting, odd, or funny phrases are listed here (without an understanding of Danish, the humour will likely be lost):

"He who first gets to the mill is he who first gets painted" "Think you da lige a little about" "Let us straks try to smake it!"

Additionally, key characters, events, or items are also called by odd hybrid names: the music box, for example, is a play dåse, Father Christmas is the Christmas man and the act of wood-carving is called "snitting". Since De Nattergale are actually musicians (albeit comedy musicians), the Nisser often burst into song, or find excuses to work music into each episode.

Another large part of the appeal are the highly stereotypical Danes that the same three actors also play: Oluf and Gertrud Sand, a country bumpkin couple that live and work on a potato farm, and Benny Jensen, a travelling salesman (or so he claims) from Copenhagen (who turns out to be a Nå-såer). Oluf and Gertrud speak with a broad country dialect, often leading to Benny misunderstanding what they say. There is also a large clash between the two different ways of life (as Benny comes to move in with Oluf and Gertrud in an early episode, as his car runs out of petrol, punctures, breaks down completely, and then gets stolen, supposedly by the "Polish Mafia"). Benny also think Oluf's fathers name is funny, because it's Anders Sand, and that sounds like Anders And, which is the Danish name for Donald Duck.

onsdag den 12. maj 2010

Wer Liebe lebt: Der lange Weg zum Grand Prix (NDR Fernsehen Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009 02:55 Uhr)

Am 12. Mai 2001 präsentierte Schlagersängerin Michelle beim Eurovision Song Contest in Kopenhagen das Lied für Deutschland. Die Fans hofften natürlich, dass sie beim internationalen Finale siegen würde.

Ihren größten Triumph feierte Michelle aber schon am 2. März, als sie den ersten Platz beim deutschen Vorentscheid belegte. Gegen den Rat von Manager und Plattenfirma hatte sich die damals erfolgreichste deutsche Schlagersängerin eine Teilnahme am Wettbewerb förmlich erkämpft - und mit "Wer Liebe lebt" gewonnen.

Die Geschichte von Michelle ist eine moderne Variante des Aschenputtelmärchens: Schon das kleine Mädchen Tanja träumte von einer Karriere als Schlagersängerin.
In ärmlichen Verhältnissen lebend, von der Stiefmutter misshandelt, verfolgte sie gegen alle Widerstände ihr großes Ziel. Diese Erfolgsgeschichte wäre nicht denkbar ohne das leidenschaftliche Engagament der deutschen Fans. Und ganz sicher nicht ohne das Kult-Ereignis Grand Prix.

Peter Moers und Jörg Daniel Hissen haben für diesen Film Sängerin Michelle, Fans und Organisatoren über Monate hinweg begleitet, von den ersten Proben bis kurz vor die Tore des Parken-Stadions in Kopenhagen, dem Austragungsort des Eurovision Song Contest im Jahr 2001.

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2009 02:55 bis 03:40 Uhr (VPS 02:55), Reportage + Dokumentation

torsdag den 15. april 2010

TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

VIDEO: Rune Klan conjured the queen

One of tonight's highlights at Queen Margrethe's big gala dinner at Christiansborg Castle, was then stand-up-comedian and magician Rune Klan conjured for His Majesty.

Deck was in honor of the occasion replaced with a stack of ham into slices. Rune Klan asked the Queen to choose a piece of ham, which she had to write his name on. The queen was in the hall great enthusiasm, with the joke and signed ham.

After some trickery conjured Rune Klan queen ham slice out of a piece of bread as he picked up from his shoes.


VIDEO: Rune Klan tryllede for dronningen

En af aftenens højdepunkter ved dronning Margrethes store gallamiddag på Christiansborg Slot, var da stand up-komikeren og tryllekunstneren Rune Klan tryllede for majestæten.

Kortspillet var i dagens anledning skiftet ud med en stak skinke i skiver. Rune Klan bad dronningen vælge et stykke skinke, som hun skulle skrive sit navn på. Dronningen var, til salens store begejstring, med på joken og signerede skinken.

Efter lidt fiksfakserier tryllede Rune Klan dronningens skinkeskive ud af et stykke brød, som han hentede frem fra sin sko.

onsdag den 14. april 2010

TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

VIDEO: Gavflaben sang for the Queen

Two people dear Danes stood face to face as Kim evening song of Queen Margrethe of his big gala dinner at Christiansborg Castle on the occasion of His Majesty's 70th birthday Friday.

Kim has previously said no thanks nice to perform for the Queen and even have no thanks to a Knight's Cross, because he believes "an old street urchin to keep themselves up with crosses and ribbons and stars."

"The royal tells me not so much. But now that the lady turns 70, it would be rude not to act," said Kim, shortly before he went on stage.

Lune anecdotes from Larsen
Lune Larsen began his small one-man show "by saying that he has known the Queen for life.

"I have known the Queen forever. Not personally, but through magazines, photo magazines or something. First as a daddy's girl, so as Inuit girl dressed in Greenland's national costume, then student girl digging girl, Henry's daughter, wife and now a passport majesty at once 70 years , "came from Larsen.

He continued with yet another anecdote:

"Then in the 70s when I was doing songs with my poetic mentor Mogens Mogensen, so it might happen that we came to a halt. So we started talking about the ladies, we would like ourselves. When I had mentioned mine, then said Mogens Mogensen, who was an old sailor of Captain Haddock-type "


"The Queen", I asked.

"Yes," said Mogensen.

"He did not, ladies and gentlemen, but he would," said Larsen before he broke out into song "Come Again" from his upcoming album.

VIDEO: Gavflaben sang for dronningen

To folkekære danskere stod ansigt til ansigt, da Kim Larsen til aften sang for dronning Margrethe ved dennes store gallamiddag på Christiansborg Slot i anledning af majestætens 70 års fødselsdag fredag.

Kim Larsen har tidligere sagt pænt nej tak til at optræde for dronningen og har endda takket nej til et ridderkors, fordi han ikke mener "en gammel gadedreng skal føre sig frem med kors og bånd og stjerner".

"Det royale siger mig ikke så meget. Men når nu damen fylder 70 ville det være uforskammet ikke at optræde," sagde Kim Larsen kort inden han gik på scenen.

Lune anekdoter fra Larsen
Lune Larsen indledte sit lille "one man show" med at sige, at han har kendt dronningen hele livet.

"Jeg har kendt dronningen altid. Ikke personligt, men gennem magasiner, billedblade og sådan noget. Først som fars pige, så som eskimopige forklædt i Grønlands nationaldragt, Så studenterpige, udgravningspige, Henriks pige, dronning og nu en vellignende majestæt på snart 70 år," lød det fra Larsen.

Han fortsatte med endnu en anekdote:

"Dengang i 70'erne, da jeg sad og lavede sange med min poetiske læremester Mogens Mogensen, så kunne det godt ske, at vi gik i stå. Så begyndte vi at snakke om de damer, vi godt kunne tænke os. Når jeg havde nævnt mine, så sagde Mogens Mogensen, som var en gammel sømand af Kaptajn Haddock-typen:"


"Dronningen", spurgte jeg.

"Ja", svarede Mogensen.

"Han gjorde det ikke, mine damer og herrer, men han ville," sagde Larsen inden han brød ud i sangen "Kom igen" fra hans kommende album.

TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

Occupies Queen 45 or is it something to do with 80?

Listen to students from zeroth class at church Bakkeskolen in Vejle and Frederiksberg Friskole answer some sometimes hard questions about Denmark's queen.

When a queen's 70th birthday, it should be celebrated. And Denmark's Queen Margrethe the second is largely celebrated for its round birthday on Friday.

And she was not content just with the obligatory trip to the Amalienborg Palace balcony, which certainly overlook a castle room filled with large and small with flags and cheers, shouts.

There will be banquets, entertainment, coach trips and then there will be guaranteed a sea of Danes who will send their greetings to the Queen.

But when Margaret is not just the birthday, what is she doing so, and how old is she really. This and much more with TV 2 News asked a bunch of nursery school pupils from Church Bakkeskolen in Vejle and Frederiksberg free school in Copenhagen and entertaining answers to the sometimes tricky questions, you can see here.


Fylder dronningen 45 eller er det noget med 80?

Hør eleverne fra nulte klasse på Kirkebakkeskolen i Vejle og Frederiksberg Friskole svare på nogle til tider svære spørgsmål om Danmarks dronning.

Når en dronning fylder 70 år skal det fejres. Og Danmarks dronning Margrethe den anden bliver i høj grad fejret i forbindelse med sin runde fødselsdag på fredag.


Og hun nøjes ikke bare med den obligatoriske tur ud på Amalienborgs balkon, der med sikkerhed har udsigt ud over en slotsplads fyldt med store og små med flag og hurra-råb.


Der bliver festmiddage, underholdning, karetture og så bliver der med garanti et hav af danskere, der vil sende deres lykønskninger til dronningen.

Men når Margrethe ikke lige holder fødselsdag, hvad laver hun så, og hvor gammel bliver hun egentlig. Det og meget mere har TV 2 Nyhederne spurgt en flok børnehaveklasseelever fra Kirkebakkeskolen i Vejle og Frederiksberg Friskole i København om, og de underholdende svar på de til tider besværlige spørgsmål kan du se her på siden.


TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

Telløk with æ fødselsdaw, Queen

Ears, hat and saying has not changed a familiar with the nightingales, since they last appeared together in 1993.

On the occasion of Queen Margrethe's birthday dinner Tuesday evening, they had let themselves reunite to celebrate the Queen, who turns 70 years on Friday.

"Tilløk with æ fødselsdaw, queen. You through your life with many spoken. But at night we will hold a speech for you," said elves Frederick, Hansi and Günther to the Queen and threw a cubit long speech, from the inside pocket.

Erupted in laughter
The queen did not hide how much entertainment value they reunited The nightingales had. Several times she broke out into laughter and lifted the glass to toast with elves.

"We were very pleased to see how much the queen amused by our appearance," said Viggo summer after their show.

Back in 1993 the then popular trio on a country tour, but decided shortly after pausing for a few years. Later elected Uffe Rørbæk however to stop completely because of tinnitus.

Tilløk with a fødselsdaw
Only in 2001 was the public again pleased to see a reunited The nightingales as they did CWC Canal Wild Card, where they made a parody of a clumsy local television station.

But Tuesday evening to the public so again quite extraordinary gain a reunion with the group when they performed for the Queen.

With its characteristic blend of English and Danish joined the group with a common dish for the Queen.

Travel you up and overtake your glases. And then we say in unison: Tilløk with a fødselsdaw. Everybody clear?


Telløk med æ fødselsdaw, dronning

Ørerne, hatten og talemåden har ikke ændret sig en kende hos De Nattergale, siden de sidst optrådte sammen i 1993.

I anledningen af dronning Margrethes fødselsdagsmiddag tirsdag aften havde de lade sig genforene for at hylde dronningen, der fylder 70 år på fredag.

"Tilløk med æ fødselsdaw, dronning. De har through dit life holdt mange tales. Men i night vil we hold en tale for Dem," sagde nisserne Frits, Hansi og Günther til dronningen og hev en alen lang tale frem fra inderlommen.

Brød ud i latter
Dronningen lagde ikke skjul på, hvor stor underholdningsværdi de genforenede De Nattergale havde. Flere gange brød hun ud i latter og løftede glasset for at skåle med nisserne.

"Det glædede os meget at se, hvor meget dronningen morede sig over vores optræden," sagde Viggo Sommer efter deres show.

Tilbage i 1993 var den dengang populære trio på en landsturné, men besluttede sig kort tid efter at holde pause i et par år. Senere valgte Uffe Rørbæk dog at stoppe helt på grund af tinnitus.

Tilløk med a fødselsdaw
Først i 2001 fik offentligheden igen glæde af at se et genforenet De Nattergale, da de lavede CWC Canal Wild Card, hvor de lavede en parodi over en kikset lokal tv-station.

Men tirsdag aften kunne offentligheden altså igen helt ekstra ordinært få et gensyn med gruppen, da de optrådte for dronningen.

Med den karakteristiske blanding af engelsk og dansk sluttede gruppen af med en fælles skål for dronningen.

Travel you up and hale your glases. And then we say i kor: Tilløk med a fødselsdaw. Everybody clear?

TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

Humble Queen of toast with the guests

It was a clear expectation full and humble queen, who Tuesday night welcomed 375 guests to the big birthday dinner at Christiansborg Palace before her 70th birthday on Friday.

"Tonight I have the opportunity to bring a greeting and a thank you to the entire country for everything I through many years has received the kindness and warm attention from all sides," said Queen Margrethe and raised the glass to toast with the guests.

There awaits the royal family and the rest of the guests a festive evening when some of the country - and abroad - most popular acts to celebrate the once 70-year-old queen.

Star Parade occurs
Among other things, Kim Larsen, Lis Sorensen, Sir Cliff Richard and sons of the desert provide festive touch while the guests eat their way through the evening's festive menu.

The queen expressed particular pleasure to see people outside Denmark's own geographic boundaries.

"It means a lot to me that even the Faroe Islands and Greenland are represented here tonight. Well, there may be far from Torshavn or Nuuk, but for me the distance never seemed exemplary or the many miles incalculable," said the Queen.

Besides representatives from the Faroe Islands and Greenland counts guests also Folketing ministers, all of its mayor, chairmen of political parties in parliament and senior officials.

"It is my hope that this evening alternating spots and surprises may be for the benefit of all those who have the opportunity to follow in the event, joined the Queen.

Birthday dinner and festive touch can be followed live on TV2.

Ydmyg dronning skålede med gæsterne

Det var en tydelig forventningsfuld og ydmyg dronning, der tirsdag aften bød 375 gæster velkommen til den store fødselsdagsmiddag på Christiansborg Slot forud for hendes 70-års fødselsdag på fredag.

"I aften har jeg mulighed for at bringe en hilsen og en tak til hele landet for alt, hvad jeg igennem snart mange år har modtaget af venlighed og varm opmærksomhed fra alle sider," sagde dronning Margrethe og hævede glasset for at skåle med gæsterne.

Der venter den royale familie og resten af gæsterne en festlig aften, når nogle af landet - og udlandets - mest populære optræder for at hylde den snart 70-årige dronning.

Stjerneparade optræder
Blandt andet vil Kim Larsen, Lis Sørensen, sir Cliff Richard og Ørkenens Sønner sørge for festlige indslag, mens gæsterne spiser sig igennem aftenens festmenu.

Dronningen udtrykte især stor glæde over at se gæster uden for Danmarks egne geografiske grænser.

"Det betyder meget for mig, at også Færøerne og Grønland er repræsenteret her i aften. Vel kan der være langt fra Torshavn eller Nuuk, men for mig har afstanden aldrig virket afskrækkende eller de mange sømil uoverskuelige," sagde dronningen.

Foruden repræsentanter fra Færøerne og Grønland tæller gæsterne også folketingets ministre, alle landets borgmester, formændene for partierne i Folketinget og højtstående embedsmænd.

"Det er mit håb, at denne aftens vekslende indslag og overraskelser må blive til glæde for alle de, som har lejlighed til at følge med i begivenheden, sluttede dronningen.

Fødselsdagsmiddagen og de festlige indslag kan følges direkte på TV2.

TV2 nyhederne - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

375 guests salute the Queen

Adorable dresses, tight bow tie and light blue elephant orders dominated the picture, as 375 guests from far and near to evening gathered at Christiansborg Palace to celebrate Queen Margrethe, who turns 70 years on Friday.

In front of them waiting in every way a festive evening when the TV 2 rolls the great TV show out there with popular domestic and foreign artists in baggage must contribute with festive touch the birthday dinner. TV 2 transmits the entire evening from the great show.

Before the royal family announced their arrival, came Folketing party presidents, ministers, mayors and senior officials dripping to the Great Hall at Christiansborg Palace, together with their respective spouses.

Joachim and Marie hand in hand
Since came the Queen's immediate family, one by one in polished cars. Only man's elder sister, Queen Benedikte with husband Prince Richard. Later came the younger generation with Prince Joachim and Princess Marie lovingly hand in hand. Followed by Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, who was wrapped in a deep red gown with train.

In the tradition arrived Queen Margrethe's car, Big Crown, as the last birthday with himself and Prince Henrik.

Lobster, veal and Success Cake
During the evening, the royal with the rest of the guests put teeth into, among other lumpfish eggs and roast beef fillet, served on silver plates. All 375 guests to drink from custom Holmegaard glass, Copenhagen Silver, as the royal couple was charged by the City of Copenhagen for a silver wedding in 1992.

TV show and birthday dinner takes place in the Great Hall at Christiansborg Castle where the Queen's 17 famous tapestries hanging. Tapestries are made by the Danish artist Bjorn Norgaard, in connection with the Queen's 50th birthday in 1990.

Prince Henry has put together the evening's festive menu, and the Queen have decided what types of flowers from the nursery at Fredensborg Castle to be decorated with.

375 gæster hylder dronningen

Bedårende kjoler, stramt siddende butterfly og lyseblå elefantordner dominerede billedet, da 375 gæster fra nær og fjern til aften samledes på Christiansborg Slot for at fejre dronning Margrethe, der fylder 70 år på fredag.

Foran dem venter en på alle måder festlig aften, når TV 2 ruller det store tv-show ud, der med populære indenlandske og udenlandske kunstnere med i bagagen skal bidrage med festlige indslag under fødselsdags­middagen. TV 2 transmitterer hele aften fra det store show.

Inden den kongelige familie meldte deres ankomst, kom folketingets partiformænd, ministre, borgmestre og højtstående embedsmænd dryppende til Riddersalen på Christiansborg Slot sammen med deres respektive ægtefæller.

Joachim og Marie hånd i hånd
Siden kom dronningens nærmeste familie en efter en i blankpolerede biler. Først regentens ældste søster, dronning Benedikte med manden prins Richard. Senere kom den yngre generation med prins Joachim og prinsesse Marie kærligt hånd i hånd. Efterfulgt af kronprins Frederik og kronprinsesse Mary, der var svøbt i en dybrød kjole med slæb.

Som traditionen byder ankom dronning Margrethes bil, Store Krone, som den sidste, med fødselaren selv og Prins Henrik.

Hummer, kalv og Succeskage
I løbet af aftenen skal de kongelige sammen med resten af gæsterne sætte tænderne i blandt andet stenbiderrogn og helstegt kalvefilet, serveret på sølvtallerkner. Alle 375 gæster skal drikke af specialdesignede Holmegaard-glas, Copenhagen Silver, som regentparret fik af Københavns Kommune til sølvbrylluppet i 1992.

TV-showet og fødselsdagsmiddagen foregår i Riddersalen på Christiansborg Slot, hvor dronningens 17 berømte gobeliner hænger. Gobelinerne er lavet af den danske kunstner, Bjørn Nørgaard, i forbindelse med dronningens 50-års fødselsdag i 1990.

Prins Henrik har sammensat aftenens festmenu, og dronningen har bestemt, hvilke typer af blomster fra slotsgartneriet på Fredensborg, der skal pyntes med.

TV2 - nyhederne (13 april 2010)

Larsen and Cliff Richard sings for the Queen

Music repertoire ranges far, when Queen Margrethe tonight taking advances on his 70th birthday in the Great Hall at Christiansborg Palace.

A gala show hosted by TV 2 featuring entertainment by such diverse artists as British Cliff Richard and the Danish stand up comedian Rune Klan.

Also Kim sings for the Queen, because as he himself put it: "I damn well liked lady."

Among the other performers are Julie Bertelsen, Lis Sørensen and Steen Jorgensen, best known as frontman of the group "Black Rain".

The queen also get the pleasure of comedy quartet "Desert Sons" with among others Soren Pilmark, like music trio "The Nightingale" in tonight's occasion is restored.

Larsen og Cliff Richard synger for dronningen

Musikrepertoiret spænder vidt, når dronning Margrethe i aften tager forskud på sin 70-års fødselsdag i Riddersalen på Christiansborg Slot.

Et gallashow arrangeret af TV 2 byder på underholdning af så forskellige kunstnere som britiske Cliff Richard og den danske stand up-komiker Rune Klan.

Også Kim Larsen synger for dronningen, for som han selv har udtrykt det: "Jeg kan sgu godt li' damen."

Blandt de øvrige optrædende er Julie Bertelsen, Lis Sørensen og Steen Jørgensen, mest kendt som frontfigur i gruppen "Sort Sol".

Dronningen får også fornøjelsen af komikerkvartetten "Ørkenens Sønner" med blandt andre Søren Pilmark, ligesom musiktrioen "De Nattergale" i aftenens anledning er gendannet.

tv2 - Go Morgen (14.04.2010)

The nightingales total for the Queen
The nightingales performed for the Queen last night. Musician trio were on stage together for the first time in 17 years! How was it?

De Nattergale samlet for Dronningen

De Nattergale optrådte for Dronningen i aftes. Musikertrioen var på scenen sammen for første gang i 17 år! Hvordan var det?

TV2 news (14 april 2010)

Gala: The Queen was amused

375 prominent guests and an entire nation shot Tuesday evening celebrations started when TV 2 was an advance on the Queen's birthday.
Galla: Dronningen morede sig

375 prominente gæster og en hel nation skød tirsdag aften festlighederne i gang, da TV 2 tog forskud på dronningens fødselsdag.

TV2 - nyhederne (13 april 2010)

Queen gala show

There are evening gala show in honor of the Queen's 70th birthday.


Dronningens gallashow

Der er i aften gallashow til ære for dronningens 70 års fødselsdag.

TV2 - nyhederne (13 april 2010)

General Test at Queen gala show

We finish with pictures from the rehearsal on the evening's gala show in honor of the queen.
Generalprøve på dronningens gallashow

Vi slutter med billeder fra generalprøven på aftenens gallashow til ære for dronningen.

TV2 news - nyhederne (13 april 2010)

Magrethe looking forward to gala banquets forward to gala banquets

Queen Magrethe is very pleased to gala celebration Tuesday evening, held to mark the Queen's 70th birthday.


Magrethe glæder sig til gallafest

Dronning Magrethe glæder sig meget til gallafesten tirsdag aften, der afholdes i anledning af dronningens 70 års fødselsdag.

TV2 - Margrethe II, Hele Danmarks Dronning: Gallamiddag (13.04.2010)

18.25 direct from the Great Hall at Christiansborg.

Queen Margrethe's 70th birthday Friday the 16th April, and TV2 is celebrating regent and her family with a grand gala evening

Michael Falch, Poul Krebs, Slo Burn, Peter Frödin, Medina, cafes, and several other famous artists.

Direct from Christiansborg
Direct from the Great Hall at Christiansborg, the three TV 2 hosts Cicely Frøkjær, Natasja Crone and Jes Dorph-Petersen will help celebrate throughout Denmark's queen.

Moreover, sits a panel of experts ready with TV-2 journalist Ulla Terkelsen, journalist Annelise Bistrup, journalist Peter Thygesen and editor of Too Ladies Camilla Frank, and then comes more guests over the studio, including former Foreign Minister Uffe Elleman-Jensen.


Som festllig optakt til majestætens fødselsdag, transmitterer vi i aften fra kl. 18.25 direkte fra Riddersalen på Christiansborg.

Dronning Margrethe fylder 70 år fredag 16. april, og TV 2 fejrer regenten og hendes familie med en storslået gallaaften.

Sammen med gæster og familie kan dronningen se frem til en musikalsk og underholdende aften i selskab med en kongelig perlerække af kendte kunstnere som "Ørkenens Sønner", De Nattergale", der er gendannet til lejligheden, nationalskjalden Kim Larsen, Cliff Richard, Rune Klan, Michael Falch, Poul Krebs, Rasmus Nøhr, Peter Frödin, Medina, Aura og flere andre kendte kunstnere.

Direkte fra Christiansborg
Direkte fra Riddersalen på Christiansborg vil de tre TV 2-værter Cecilie Frøkjær, Natasja Crone og Jes Dorph-Petersen være med til at hylde hele Danmarks dronning.

Desuden sidder et ekspertpanel klar med TV 2-journalist Ulla Terkelsen, journalist Annelise Bistrup, journalist Peter Thygesen og chefredaktør på Alt for Damerne Camilla Frank, og så kommer flere gæster forbi studiet, bl.a. tidligere udenrigsminister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen.

fredag den 9. april 2010

Deutschland - Let’s Dance (2010)

Let's Dance 2010

Let's Dance is an eight-piece live show on RTL, whose first season for the first time on 3 April 2006 was broadcast, the show went on Sunday, 21 May, ends.

It is a German version of BBC's Strictly Come Dancing. In addition to numerous other adaptations, there is also the American format Dancing with the Stars Dancing Stars and the Austrian version.

Several celebrities have to compete in the programs, each with a dance partner, professional and successful tournament dancers against each other in the Standard and Latin dances. At the end of each performance gives the jury a score between one and ten from. Which pair to the next mission of Let's Dance participates and what not, is determined by the public, who may call at the end of the show for his favorites. Frequent criticism is the lack of transparency in the evaluation process. It is neither the number of callers for each pair are known, nor how they affect the placement.

Was moderated by Hape Kerkeling Show and Nazan Eckes. The renowned orchestra Pepe Lienhard Band plays live music for the dances

Let's Dance - Trailer 1

Let's Dance - Trailer 2

Let's Dance - Trailer 3

Let's Dance - Trailer 4

Let's Dance - Trailer 5

Let's Dance - Trailer 6

Let's Dance - Trailer 7

Let's Dance - Trailer 8

Mambo oder Rambo?

Das Traumpaar, das die Stars zum Tanzen bringt

søndag den 7. marts 2010

Do-It-Yourself, Mr. Bean

part 1

part 2

part 3

Act 1: Bean invites his two friends Rupert and Hubert for a New Year party, but bores them so much that when he goes to prepare a snack, Twiglets (which are actually twigs coated with Marmite) and sugared vinegar as a substitute for champagne, they turn his clock in the living room to midnight, sing Auld Lang Syne to celebrate the new year, and then leave, saying that they are tired. However, they merely go into the apartment across the hall, where a swinging New Year's party is taking place. Bean is in bed when the real New Year begins. His blood boils with anger when he finds out Rupert and Hubert have deceived him and attended a larger party next door. Hubert, however, forgets his hat in Mr Bean's apartment (see act four)

Act 2: Bean arrives at Arding and Hobbs department store to take full advantage of the January sales. Other people have queued overnight to get there first, however Bean manages to jump the queue and annoy everyone in the process by exposing the figure in the sleeping bag at the head of the queue as a fake he placed there the night before. He then enters the store and attempts to purchase a new recliner, but an old woman sits in the chair and a store attendant explains that it is an automatic recliner. Bean, determined to purchase the recliner for himself, unplugs the chair to make it not work for her, but the attendant sees the problem and plugs it back in. While the woman sleeps in the chair, Bean sneaks up behind the chair and opens up the controls, and messes with the wires and closes the controls. The old woman then presses the button again, and this time the recliner begins to crush the woman in between the back of the chair and the leg supports. Bean watches on as the chair sets her free and she falls backwards.

Act 3: Later Bean has bought several items including a chair, paint cans and an assortment of brushes and mops. After strapping the chair to the roof and squeezing everything else inside the car he realises there's no room left for himself. He then has an idea. Bean successfully constructs a way of remotely driving the car from the chair attached to the roof, and embarks on a daredevil driving expedition which goes incredibly well until he ends up on a steep decline and his only braking device is to run the car into a parked van filled with pillow feathers

Act 4: Bean decides to give his flat a makeover. He first realises that moving a table is impractical, as he can no longer put objects on it through the hole in the kitchen wall. Bean's solution - just move the hole. He then decides to paint his room white, using the head of Teddy as a paintbrush. He quickly tires of using this method as he ends up getting paint on things. Bean's solution - he covers everything in his room (including each individual grape in his fruit bowl) in newspaper and plants a super-firework in a can of white paint, ignites the firework, and runs out of the room. Bean returns to find his newly invented paint bomb worked; however while he was gone, Hubert returned to the flat for his hat he'd left the night before and got caught in the blast. Bean is shocked to find that there's a trail of white footprints leading out of his flat, and an image of Hubert reaching for his hat is frozen onto a section of wall as the only unpainted area.